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SOPs for Travel to Seoul from Jeju for Birth Registration & Passport process of Newly born Children | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

All the applicants who intend to travel from Jeju to Seoul for registering their newly born child and applying for passport at the Embassy of Pakistan, must prepare the following documents at least one week before their date of departure from Jeju to Seoul and email the documents to the Embassy at email address  :-

1. Passports and Korean Resident Cards (both sides) of both Parents & other children (if any) traveling along

2. Birth Certificate of the Child

3. NADRA ID card of the Child

4. Travel Itinerary ( Return Flight Tickets)

5. Filled-in and signed Consent Letter (Download Here)

The applicants will have to present the original & copies of the above-mentioned documents at the airports to travel from Jeju to Seoul and return.


Please also visit:

Passport appointment/information

Registration of New Born Child

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