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Renunciation of Nationality | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

Renunciation of Nationality (Papers Required)

  • 6 photographs with white background
  • Letter from Ministry of Justice Korea, Its English translation and Notary ( Original and Copies). (HOGA)
  • Pakistani Passport Photocopies (2 copies)
  • Family Registration of Korea With English Translation and Notary, , Kajuk Khwange Chongmyong so ( Original and 2 Copies)
  • NADRA ID Card (3 Copies)
  • 15,000 KW fee
  • Form to be duly filled

Note: When you come to get your Renunciation Certificate, you must have already applied for Cancellation of your NICOP online on NADRA website with Payment Receipt in your hand as the proof, otherwise you will not get Renunciation Certificate from Embassy.

NADRA website link

Download form from:

PDF Version 


Embassy of Pakistan is observing the following time for consular services:

Monday to Thursday:

1000 hrs to 1300 hrs


1000 hrs to 12 hrs


Lunch Break: 1300-1400

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