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Compensation cases | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

Compensation cases are decided by the Korean authorities i.e. Korea Workers Compensation & Welfare Service (KOMWEL), in accordance with relevant regulations prevalent in Korea. In case of problems faced in securing compensation by the rightful heirs, the CWA Wing may be informed, which will pursue the matter with the authorities. Based on information available, the following minimum documents are required by Korean authorities in death and compensation cases:

Succession Certificate from the Court of Law, for the rightful heirs

Burial Certificate from concerned office in Pakistan i.e. Union Council

Power of Attorney, from the Court of Law

Bank accounts of the dependents (rightful heirs) of the deceased

Copies of passport, CNIC/NICOP, death certificate of the deceased

Other documents as may be required by Korean authorities.

Community members are required to consult the KOMWEL website for updated information on requirements.

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