- One appointment per person which takes 10-20 minutes per session, but if problems arise, it could take longer and may affect subsequent appointments.
- Do not make multiple appointments for the same application. This will result in the cancellation of your appointments.
- Be on time or five minutes early to sign in and receive a ticket number.
- Maximum number of days from today that a client can book an appointment are 30.
Documents Required for Passport:
1. Valid CNIC/NICOP in original and copy
2. Old passport in original and Copy
3. Resident card original and copy (if applicable)
4. Original NOC in case of Government Servant.
5. In minor Case all above documents and B form/CRC, Birth Certificate (S-form for new born baby), Marriage Certificate of Parents and parents’ documents (CNIC, MRP, Resident Card) original & copies and in-person presence of parents, if any of parent not in Korea, Guardianship letter by court in divorce cases or Authority Letter properly attested by MOFA Pakistan or Embassy of Pakistan in Country of stay of absent parent.
Note: The passport process duration for G-1 (Asylum Seeker) visa holder will be cleared after verification and subject to clearance from concerned agency in Pakistan.
بغیر ویزے کے افراد کو اپنے ساتھ دو پاکستانی لوگوں کے نادرا شناختی کارڈ کاپی اور ان کے پاسپورٹ کاپی ساتھ لانا لازمی ہوگا۔
5. Fees will be received in Cash.
Type normal urgent
5 years 35,000/KW 55,000/ KW
10 Years 60,000/KW 80,000/KW
Machine Readable (MRP) In-charge
Mr. Fakhre Alam
82-2-796-8252 Ext. 103
نوٹ: مندرجہ بالاھدایات میں بتایے گئے اوقات صرف پاکستان کیلئے ہے، سفارت خانہ میں آنے کیلئے آپ کو اپوینٹمنٹ لینا ہوگا۔
Please select a service: |
Note: For Official passport you must call embassy and make an appointment.
You can also apply online for renewal of your passport via following link:
Embassy of Pakistan is observing the following time for consular services:
Monday to Thursday:
1000 hrs to 1300 hrs
1000 hrs to 12 hrs
Lunch Break: 1300-1400