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Events | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

Flag hoisting ceremony to celebrate the National Day at Pakistan Embassy Seoul. Our pride, Pakistan diaspora participated, committing to continue working for Pakistan. Messages of President, Prime Minister read out. Leading community members recognized for their services.

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In collaboration with Pakistan Business Association, the Embassy held a Khuli Kachehri in Incheon. Ambassador Nabeel Munir updated Pakistani diaspora on recent initiatives, heard their suggestions & addressed their concerns

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Pakistan Embassy Seoul organized an hybrid Seminar to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day. Korean citizens, media representatives, opinion leaders and members of the diaspora attended the seminar. President IIDA, President KPFA, and Chair Kashmir Institute for International Relations (virtually) highlighted HR situation in IIOJK and called for implementation of UNSC Resolutions. Ambassador Nabeel Munir reaffirmed Pakistan’s […]

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Pakistan was the feature country at Republic of Korea’s largest multicultural festival (MAMF) in Changwon. Minister for National Heritage and Culture Syed Jamal Shah participated with a cultural troupe. It showcased music, dance and cuisine from Pakistan, including exhilarating performances by Khumariyan Band. Also led the Multicultural Parade

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To observe Pakistan’s Defence & Martyrs Day 2023, a reception was organized by the Embassy of Pakistan at the Army Club in Ministry of National Defence (MND), Seoul. A large no of diplomatic community, Defence Attaches, officials from MND, ROK Military, think tanks, defence companies and Pakistani Diaspora attended the event.

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Pakistan Business Association Korea, in collaboration with the Embassy, celebrated 76th Independence Day of Pakistan in the city of Siheung. Mayor of Siheung and around 1000 Pakistanis and Koreans attended. Famous Pakistani singer Ali Abbas presented music from around Pakistan

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As part of commemoration of 40th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Korea and Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day, the Embassy organized Rhythms of Pakistan, a musical evening at the National Museum of Korea. PBA Korea and the National Museum of Korea partnered in organizing the event  

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To highlight investor-friendly policies of the Govt, and commemorating 40th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Republic of Korea, he Embassy, in collaboration with the #BOI, #KOTRA and #KoreaHerald, organized a “Pakistan-Korea Trade and Investment Conference” in Seoul today.

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