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Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/ebp3/www/pakistan-korea-trade_yeknr/wwwhome/wp-content/plugins/wp-all-import/classes/helper.php on line 50
Announcement | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

  Scholarship opportunity at Gyeongsang National University of Korea   Gyeongsang National University has invited applications from undergraduate students of Pakistani universities to avail scholarship in following master’s programs. Applied life science Chemistry Bio systems Engineering Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Material Engineering and Convergence Technology Marine Environmental Engineering Deadline for application form submission is 16th […]

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  Note: All Travelers to traveling to Pakistan are required to present a PCR-Negative test up to 72 hours before their departure. 파키스탄으로 입국하는 모든 한국인들은 출발시간 기준 72시간 이내에  발급된 ‘PCR 음성확인서‘를 제출하여야 합니다   Pass Track App

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