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Scholarship opportunity at Gyeongsang National University of Korea | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea


Scholarship opportunity at Gyeongsang National University of Korea


Gyeongsang National University has invited applications from undergraduate students of Pakistani universities to avail scholarship in following master’s programs.

  1. Applied life science
  2. Chemistry
  3. Bio systems Engineering
  4. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  5. Material Engineering and Convergence Technology
  6. Marine Environmental Engineering

Deadline for application form submission is 16th April 2021. Duly filled-in application forms may kindly be sent on this email address:

*          English proficiency – TOEFL 71 or IELTS 5.5 is required.

*          Embassy has posted this for information purposes only. The decision to grant scholarship will rest with the University only.

*          Please see the following link for further information.



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