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Embassy of Pakistan organizes a forum for women entrepreneurs of Pakistan and Korea to explore collaboration | Embassy of Pakistan, Republic of Korea

In celebration of Women’s Day, the Embassy of Pakistan organized a forum for women entrepreneurs of Pakistan and Korea to explore collaboration between women-led businesses in Pakistan and the Republic of Korea.
The distinguished panel of speakers at the event consisted of Chairperson of the Committee on Gender Equality and Family of the National Assembly, Ms. Choun Sook Jung and Secretary Board of Investment, Ms. Fareena Mazhar who spoke about the role of women leaders in promoting women empowerment in the business world and workplace.
In their presentations CEO of PCL Inc Ms. Kim Soyoun and Co-founder of Amco IT Systems Ms. Zarish Ahmad briefed the participants on their respective journeys in establishing their companies and their success in male-dominated sectors. CEO of Earthman Fair Trade Company explained how their company was providing a platform for farmers and artisans from developing countries including Pakistan to sell their produce in the international market.
Pakistani and Korean entrepreneurs discussed the economic opportunities created by women and how businesses can facilitate and promote opportunities for women in workplace including safe work environment, child care facilities and capacity building. They also explored avenues of collaboration between women entrepreneurs of Pakistan and the Republic of Korea.

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